August 21, 2008

The APN Resource Network

One of the unique qualities the Adoptive Parents Network website wants to offer is connections and sharing or information and resources. Our goal is to provide a website which makes it simple for our members and visitors to add to the information and support offered.

Adoptive Parents Network has just added a new Main Menu Link and Section to the website... the APN Resource Network. As this section is developed it will become the HUB of resources and infromation for foster, adoptive and special needs parents.

There are several tools for visitors and members to contribute, connect and find resources for a variety of topics that relate to becoming foster, adoptive and special needs parents.

APN Resource Network offers visitors and members easy access. The APN Resource Network features a variety of tools offering those who want to stay connected with the resouce network several options for quick and easy location as well as notification.

The Adoptive Parents Network main website fetures a direct link in the top menue on most of the website pages. Visitors and members are always one click away from the Network Resources.

Visitors and members are also offered easy access from outside of the main website. By visiting directly using your browser navagation and entering the direct link:

Clicking from inside will keep visitors inside In order to access from outsite enter the url directly in your browser. If your interest is to stay up to date on new information added to the APN Resource Network visitors and members can subscribe to this section by email or read it from a variety of feed readers.

The APN Resource Network features a tool designed to allow any visitor or member to Add a Link to our Network Resource Link Share with several current categories to choose from:

Adoption Information (general)
Domestic Adoption
Foster Adoption
International Adoption
Support Groups & Training
Mental Health
Special Needs

APN looks forward to expanding the Network Resource section and by offering information and easy to use tools designed to connect parents with information and services designed to support Foster, Adoptive and Special Needs parents. Our goal is that not only will parents have access to these resources with ease, but that they also contribute by adding links and commenting on the articles posted.

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