August 26, 2008

A little Quite with busy Parents

It's one of those times during the year that most parents are eyebrow deep getting ready for a transition back to school and routine. The Back-to-School count down is on, or in some cases over depending on where you live.

This is one time of the year it is very common for parents to have little time for chit-chat or posting on forums. August, and Late December through February are generally very slow time when it comes to the Adoptive Parents Network forums.

Which is part of who we are and what this place is all about! The members here are parents first and live comes before playing on the Internet. Some of our newer members waiting for the process to end with their post saying they have become parents may not be aware of how their lives will soon change when they add a baby or child to their families.

This time of the year is a drain and there is so much to do when there is a child in the home--especially, it that child is school aged. Between all the efforts to squeeze every last bit of fun out of the summer routine and getting ready for school most of the mom's I know are running around in a spending spree of panic with an underlying spark of joy and glee!

It may be all quiet here but, rest assured once our children ride the bus to school, and their teachers get to know them--the Adoptive Parents Network Forum will be a flurry of posts about everything from IEP issues, behaviors, and funny stories about lost or stolen lunch money!

Right now most parents of a school aged child are simply operating on "cruise control" enduring the annual ritual of transition back to Mom has time to Dust and Mop as well as post on the Adoptive Parents Network Forum about the things found hidden under the sheets in the hall linen closet...

Here's to everyone waiting for the sound of the school bus breaks! Can't want to see you when the dust and first of the year papers are settled...

....where was that coupon for the free manicure with the 30 minute neck massage?

August 24, 2008

APN Resource Network: Link Share

As a part of Adoptive Parents Network's new Resource section visitors and members are invited to add links to any valuable website under ten different categories.

The APN Resource Network Link Share is designed to offer visitors or members a quick and easy way to Add a Link to our Network Resource Link Share.


If you have discovered our found a useful resource website please feel free to add it to the APN Resource Network Link Share. At this time we have the following categories to choose from:

  • Adoption Information (general) Add or read links to websites that offer general information and support about adoption, statistics, organizations and other websites that visitors and members of the Adoptive Parents Network might find useful.

  • Domestic Adoption This is the perfect category for visitors and members to share information about websites those interested in adopting privately may find helpful. Including, newborn private adoption, and Step Parent Adoption.

  • Foster Adoption Add or find those important website links for all those different places Foster parents, Foster to Adopt parents and pre Adoptive Parent placements for children in foster care may ever want or need.

  • International Adoption Laws, rules and issues are always changing. Be sure to add any links about the issues International Adoptive parents and families may need to know about.

  • Parenting Do you know a great parenting site, or a website that offers parents tools, services or tips that might help them in problem areas, or in general? Then please share it here with all of the visitors of the Adoptive Parents Network... Our First goal is to be the best parents we can be so Share your Secrets websites here!

  • Support Groups & Training Do you know of any great support group websites, or websites published by support groups? How about Post Adoption Services and any announcement sites? Share it with Adoptive Parents Network here on our Resource Network and also in our Forums where there are boards for each State and nearly any specific issue that may be related! The more we share it here the more people in the specific locations may have the opportunity to know about the various efforts available to help support each other in Real Life!

  • Education This is not just and adoptive parents issue but, it is also one of the greatest issues many parents face. The education Resource Links are set aside for any informative, supportive or helpful website parents and adoptive parents might need as we deal with the educational issues of today!

  • Mental Health and all the services we find and don't find! This is another area where the more information we can share the better informed another parent may be if they should face the same kinds of issues. Today, we see an ever increasing need for Child Mental Health services and a complete failure for their to be a safety net in place for some children with the greatest needs. Please share what you find with all of us about Mental Health in this category of the APN Resource Network.

  • Special Needs Whatever the need might be, if you have found a website with information or support for special needs parents then we hope you will consider sharing that link with everyone here.

  • Advocate Adoptive Parents Network not only hopes to connect parents with each other, but to also unit parents in the identification of issues and efforts to Advocate for reform and change. We believe that as a larger more organized voice we might find some ways to help solve a few problems or at least help see changes in things that are not working.

If you don't have anything to add to the APN Resource Network Link Share, it's no big deal please just remember it and check it out next time you are looking for something!

August 21, 2008

The APN Resource Network

One of the unique qualities the Adoptive Parents Network website wants to offer is connections and sharing or information and resources. Our goal is to provide a website which makes it simple for our members and visitors to add to the information and support offered.

Adoptive Parents Network has just added a new Main Menu Link and Section to the website... the APN Resource Network. As this section is developed it will become the HUB of resources and infromation for foster, adoptive and special needs parents.

There are several tools for visitors and members to contribute, connect and find resources for a variety of topics that relate to becoming foster, adoptive and special needs parents.

APN Resource Network offers visitors and members easy access. The APN Resource Network features a variety of tools offering those who want to stay connected with the resouce network several options for quick and easy location as well as notification.

The Adoptive Parents Network main website fetures a direct link in the top menue on most of the website pages. Visitors and members are always one click away from the Network Resources.

Visitors and members are also offered easy access from outside of the main website. By visiting directly using your browser navagation and entering the direct link:

Clicking from inside will keep visitors inside In order to access from outsite enter the url directly in your browser. If your interest is to stay up to date on new information added to the APN Resource Network visitors and members can subscribe to this section by email or read it from a variety of feed readers.

The APN Resource Network features a tool designed to allow any visitor or member to Add a Link to our Network Resource Link Share with several current categories to choose from:

Adoption Information (general)
Domestic Adoption
Foster Adoption
International Adoption
Support Groups & Training
Mental Health
Special Needs

APN looks forward to expanding the Network Resource section and by offering information and easy to use tools designed to connect parents with information and services designed to support Foster, Adoptive and Special Needs parents. Our goal is that not only will parents have access to these resources with ease, but that they also contribute by adding links and commenting on the articles posted.